GB-4000 Users Group - Royal Rife Frequency Therapy - Facebook
GuruHQ - Why I Bought a GB-4000 Over Other Frequency Devices - Ronald Lindeboom - Your Rife Machine History Educational Website - Healing with Frequency
Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL) - From Electroherbalism Frequency Lists
Non-Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (NCFL) - Frequencies from many different sources.
The All-Frequencies CAFL (AFCAFL) - Roger Archibald - Introduction to Frequency Lists
The Eighty Year Enigma - Rife and Hoyland's Frequencies Explained - British Rife Research Group
Frequency Anecdotes - Posts to the Rife list servers where people reported results.
Rife Frequency Reports - Detailed Anecdotes
Frequencies and Wavelengths of Musical Notes
Rife Machine Spooky2 PERL M+ TrueRife BCX Ultra Beam Ray
“The truth, I was ultimately to learn, is the most dangerous thing … Nothing is more difficult to report than the truth, and few, indeed, are those who want to read the tough, harsh words of reality.”
–Harrison Salisbury, The New York Times